Numerous travel articles and blog posts extol the virtues of solo travel or offer (rather unhelpful) tips to combat the inevitable sense of loneliness that creeps in during sojourns for one. If you travel solo, you will be beset by moments of loneliness and at the risk of sounding obvious, being alone can reinforce that you are indeed alone.

Sundays in Cape Town are generally quiet with most shops and restaurants closed so that their staff can maintain a work life balance that Capetonians pride themselves on. Visitors should follow the lead of locals and head to the wine lands for a seriously delicious Sunday lunch. On my latest foray to Cape Town, I chose to spend my Sunday wining and dining at Waterkloof Wine Estate in Somerset West.

An hour into my 9.2 km hike on the Robberg Nature Reserve, I looked over an expansive vista with several other hikers. No one said a word. All five of us soaked in the moment and even though we were a crowd, we were all enjoying a solidarity moment staring at the ocean and no doubt, reflecting on something private. It was a lovely moment. It was an in-the-moment moment.

Two years ago I moved to South Africa. I never expected to live here, but I know I am where I am meant to be. Happy South African two year anniversary to me!

Afar Magazine published an article early this year, “Where to Travel the Year According to Your Astrological Sign.” Whilst I don’t believe that our date of birth predicts the future much less correlates with our travel preferences, it is always oddly unsettling when you find a bit of truth in your horoscope. According the the astrologer, Pisces (like me) are drawn to vast open space like the ocean, forest, or desert where they feel connected to the world. Perhaps this is why my weekend walking a largely deserted beach at Prana Lodge at the start of the Wild Coast was a welcomed respite.

According to TripIt, I logged over 382,000 miles to 8 countries and 21 cities in 2014. Traveling has become a way for me to unwind from a hectic work schedule and to meet and interact with people, since my social life in Johannesburg (even after a year) is non-existent. Traveling has allowed me to better understand and connect with the history, cultures, and cuisines of South Africa.