Happy (belated) 2017
While I recognize the time to wish others a Happy New Year has come and gone, I believe if you have yet to see a person in the new year, it remains an acceptable greeting. Inevitably, I accompany this greeting with a sheepish acknowledgement of lateness and a mumbled excuse for having let so much time elapse. So with that dear friends and family that I have not had a chance to greet (due to that whole living on different continents thing) and to all those readers who randomly pop in to read a post or two, a Happy (belated) 2017 to you.
My extended absence from my blog was due to a thing called life or more specifically, falling in love with the most amazing human. While the break afforded me time to focus on what is most important in my life, I found myself missing the creative expression that comes from writing. Week after week into the new year, I vowed that this would be the week I would write a post. Two weeks slipped by and then six weeks with nary a word being committed to paper.
Normally I eschew new years resolutions because I do not end up following through with them. The bustle from the beginning of the year always seems to get in the way, but this year I decided to follow the advice of a colleague who recommends starting resolutions well in to the start of the year because as the theory goes, you are more likely to keep them. I doubt if it is true, but it is worth a shot. Thus, I pledge to post weekly about living, traveling, and eating across Southern Africa and will aim to post every Wednesday. Committing to a specific date is scary, but like any goal I am hoping by putting it out there I will be more likely to deliver upon it.
Happy (belated) 2017 to all of you from Callum and me. Hopefully my blog inspires one of you to take that dream trip or safari to South Africa.
Happy New Year!! It was so great spending time with both of you in Nov. Here’s to a wonderful year of adventure & love !!